
Collection: Shungite

Need to purify the vibrations in your daily life and surround yourself with protective energy ?

With our Shungite collection , equip yourself with the most powerful natural talisman in the world of stones...

In its presence, you will be protected from all bad vibes, while cultivating well-being and vitality .

Shungite, the best protective stone

Are you looking for the most effective crystal to protect you against negative energies? Stop looking around, you're in the right place ! Our Shungite collection brings together several objects carved from intense black stone.

In the world of lithotherapy, shungite is renowned as the best protective stone . Its high frequency is in fact capable of dissipating negative energies of all kinds in no time, while maintaining high vibrations.

This efficiency is largely due to its composition, essentially carbon . This composition gives it a powerful and pure energy , which restores harmony , balance and vitality , while naturally dispersing vibrational disturbances and various ailments.

The protective power of shungite is in fact sought not only by therapists and energy specialists, but also by other professionals unrelated to treatment. So, for example, beekeepers call on it to protect their bees against the harmful waves of electromagnetic frequencies produced by our technologies.

It is even one of the primary applications of shungite : it is used to protect a space and its occupants from frequencies harmful to health, such as Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G and radiation emitted by electric antennas .

These artificial frequencies are often the cause of many physical and emotional disorders. On a physical level, they can cause headaches, fatigue, tinnitus, fertility problems, and even cancer. Psychologically, they can cause depression, anxiety, difficulty concentrating and mood swings.

By placing a shungite object near your computer, smartphone, on your router or television, you protect yourself against all these disorders by drastically reducing the effect of electromagnetic frequencies on the body. For example, you can place a shungite pyramid on your internet box or in a corner of the living room to neutralize all harmful frequencies.

But the protective power of shungite does not stop there! It also acts on more subtle levels, by driving away surrounding negative energies . Wherever you are (crowded place, office, home, etc.) and whatever your company (angry person, carrying negative energy), a tumbled stone or piece of shungite jewelry will protect you against these bad vibes.

Powerful therapeutic energy

If shungite is so appreciated, however, it is not only for its incomparable powers of protection . It is also an excellent ally for restoring harmony and well-being , on all levels.

It is even known to “attract” evil from the body , whether it has a physical or emotional origin.

Its energy of purity , due in particular to its composition and its unique molecular structure, makes it, for example, extremely effective in soothing pain . So wear shungite jewelry if you suffer from joint problems or often have tense muscles. It will also relieve headaches, and strengthen the immune system, the body's natural protection.

On an emotional level, reassuring shungite , very anchored to the Earth, will help you connect to the present moment and digest your emotions by letting them pass through you. She will not be afraid to accompany you through the most difficult feelings, such as fiery anger, deep sorrow or a feeling of despair. Their comforting presence will also help you deal with stress and anxiety .

With its jet black, shungite is also a precious ally for exploring the hidden aspects of the psyche . So let it help you reconnect with your repressed desires, undo your limiting beliefs and express your authentic but hitherto repressed aspects.

On a vibrational level, this mineral will also rid you of energetic and unwanted disturbances that could weigh down your subtle bodies. In exchange, it will restore harmony between these different layers of the aura and between your energy centers or chakras.

Karma Yoga Shop shungite, a high quality mineral

As you will certainly have understood, shungite is a particularly appreciated and sought-after stone, both for its protective powers and for its virtues on the body and mind. It is even relatively difficult to find quality shungite at a reasonable price .

Once again, Karma Yoga Shop stands out! Because we want you too to benefit from its many benefits, our shungite products are made of a high quality stone, while remaining accessible ! With the help of our expert gemologist, we found the ideal source for our shungite : the renowned Zazoghinsky deposit in Karelia (Russia).

The shungite originating from this deposit is composed of more than 50% carbon; it is therefore of excellent quality, with optimal physical and vibrational properties . Our gemologist rigorously controls the authenticity and content of the base stone before making our objects.

Browse our Shungite collection and make your choice according to your needs. For daily and practical protection, opt for a pebble or a discreet tumbled stone . For good energies in your interior, place a shungite pyramid on your box or a shelf.

Are you addicted to your smartphone? Our shungite plates for phones will protect you against their artificial frequencies. And for an elegant look combined with beneficial energy, fall for one of our magnificent shungite jewelry .

Up to you !

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