
Collection: Amazonite

With amazonite , immerse yourself in the tranquil waters of existence. Its calming vibration will soothe stress and help you connect to the present moment.

Discover the many virtues of amazonite thanks to this collection of healing stones and jewelry. Then let yourself be enveloped by its tender energy...

Meaning of Amazonite

Traditionally, amazonite is linked to the mythical Amazons, a people composed exclusively of warrior women. Amazons were known to be as brave as they were beautiful, willing to risk their lives to defend their community. Legend has it that they gave a green stone as an offering to the men who visited them. It is possible that the stone in question is amazonite.

Discovered in the lush regions of Brazil along the Amazon River, amazonite is also found in other corners of the world and cultures. In ancient Egypt, for example, it was a powerful amulet, representing luck and fertility.

Spiritual virtues of amazonite

Widely used in lithotherapy, amazonite has multiple virtues. Its turquoise recalling the deep waters of serenity , it relieves the soul. At the same time, the energy of this mineral is as powerful as the river from which it takes its name. On a spiritual level, it helps its owner find the balance between inner peace and courage . To move forward with confidence.

Vibrationally, amazonite has both a calming and invigorating effect. Like the water of a lagoon, its energy envelops its user, helping them to relax deeply, while refreshing their mind.

Additionally, corresponding to the throat chakra , amazonite promotes authentic and fluid self-expression . Wear an amazonite jewelry or bracelet to help you translate your ideas into words or for your artistic activities.

The refreshing and purifying energy of amazonite is also ideal for dispelling negative energies of all kinds. With it, you will be protected against electromagnetic radiation from screens, like bad vibrations from a place.

On a mental and emotional level, amazonite is ideal for calming anxieties, stress and anxiety . In his presence, you will feel capable of facing any challenge. You will know that you have the resources to make the most of a difficult situation.

Use amazonite to correct a cholesterol problem by stimulating the liver and kidneys. Beneficial for the lymphatic system and the respiratory system, it is also excellent for sexuality and the reproductive system.

Purification and recharging of amazonite

To purify and recharge an amazonite , proceed in two steps. Start by immersing your gems in lukewarm water for a few minutes. Ideally, use pure or distilled water.

Then, to recharge, expose your amazonite to the sun for approximately 3 hours. Do this in the morning, when the sun's rays are weak enough and are not likely to alter the color of the stone.

Recharging amazonite can also be done by fumigation: light a stick of sage or incense, then blow the smoke towards the stone. This ritual will help your crystal get rid of accumulated negative energies.

Relax in a soothing and regenerating energy with amazonite: discover our collection of healing stones and jewelry.

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