Rolled Stones

Collection: Rolled Stones

A discreet and practical talisman , with a powerful and healing vibration. This is how we could summarize the tumbled stone , small in size, but nevertheless central in lithotherapy .

Easy to take with you everywhere, a tumbled stone can find many applications. You can simply slip it into your pocket or handbag to enjoy its good vibes, hold it in your hand when the need arises, or use it for an energy treatment session.

Adorned in a thousand colors, tumbled stones have as many faces as their virtues are varied. Amethyst, labradorite, quartz, agate, tourmaline… Each stone has its physical and vibrational specificities; It’s very simple, there is at least one stone for every need ! Beneficial for the body, mind and soul, these little crystalline friends are there to do us good every day.

Because our wish is for you to benefit from all their benefits, we offer you natural stone tumbled stones of premium quality .

Discover the Karma Yoga Shop tumbled stone...

Karma Yoga Shop tumbled stones, high-end lithotherapy

At Karma Yoga Shop, we are driven by a desire: to spread good energies through our activity and thus increase the vibration of the Earth. Every day, we achieve this mission by providing you with high quality products . Jewelry, pebbles, wands and pyramids shrouded in love and light, at each stage of their making.

With our tumbled stones made from semi-precious stones , an essential element of lithotherapy, we could only redouble our efforts to ensure we accomplished this mission. From mining the raw stone to shipping, cutting and polishing, each tumbled stone is treated with the utmost care. As much as possible, we also ensure that this process takes care of the Earth and all the humans involved.

Our supplier, based in India, shares our values ​​of quality and ethics .

Its stones are taken from mines with environmentally friendly practices, and renowned for the high quality of their minerals. Our supplier's workshops also strive to respect natural ecosystems by limiting their environmental impact through the observation of ecological practices. The stones are cut and polished by experienced craftsmen, who benefit from fair working conditions and wages.

For our part, we regularly communicate with our colleagues to ensure that these values ​​of respect are always shared. Our qualified gemologist expert, for his part, systematically checks the authenticity and quality of the tumbled stones .

Thanks to this rigorous approach to ethics and quality, our tumbled precious or semi-precious stones radiate their most beautiful colors, and vibrate with their most luminous energy. Their beauty is intact, their vibration is as close as possible to the forces of Gaia, to take care of you on all levels.

The rolled stone, an essential for well-being through crystals

If the tumbled stone is also appreciated in the spheres of care, spirituality and well-being, it is first and foremost for its practical format and its economical side . Indeed, thanks to its small size, it allows you to access the power of stones at an affordable price, and to take this beneficial energy with you everywhere.

You will be able to slip your natural stone tumbled stone into the pocket of your jeans or jacket, into your wallet, your handbag or even your bag. It will therefore always remain within reach, and you will be as close as possible to its energy. It is the ideal format for discreetly and easily invoking the therapeutic vibrations of crystals.

The minimum size of the tumbled stone also allows it to be used as part of an energy treatment session, such as Reiki , work on a chakra , or during meditation . With its smooth, skin-friendly surface, it will be pleasant to hold. Also easy to apply to the body, for example in addition to lithotherapy stone pebbles .

As you certainly know, each tumbled stone has multiple virtues on the body, the mind and the energies of the being. These properties vary greatly from one stone to another depending on its crystal structure, its color or even its history. Certain stones, for example, promote anchoring and inner security . Others catalyze physical and emotional healing . Others, again, inspire optimism and bring luck to their owner...

As you browse our vast collection of tumbled stones in precious or semi-precious stones , let yourself be guided by your intuition: if a stone attracts you, take the time to read the descriptions and search your heart. Could this stone be just what you need right now?

Our advice? If you don't know which stone to choose but have a particular need, go for one of our kits of 5 tumbled stones, composed by theme. A good way to surround yourself with several stones and varied energies , or to start a collection of tumbled stones .

Up to you !

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