Natural stone jewelry

Collection: Natural stone jewelry

A natural stone jewel is an object that is both elegant and powerful, a lucky charm in your image.

Not only does it enhance your look with the telluric and generous colors of Mother Nature, but it also envelops you with beneficial energy at all times, in all places.

Agate, lapis lazuli , labradorite , quartz , moonstone or even tourmaline ... You will undoubtedly find, in our vast collection of precious and semi-precious stones, the lithotherapy stone jewel that resonates with you.

Dive without further delay into a wave of well-being thanks to our natural stone jewelry.

Natural lithotherapy stone jewelry, allies of your well-being

Lithotherapy... a pretty word with an intriguing meaning. From the Greek lithos, "stone", and therapeia, "treatment", this discipline invites us to rely on the virtues of stones to treat our ailments of all kinds.

Here mounted in sublime jewelry with a unique style, these almost magical minerals can fully display their powers. From hematite to onyx , lapis lazuli and amethyst , each stone has a particular vibration and properties.

Thus, our natural stone and 925 silver jewelry will take care of you, each in its own way.

For example, a rose quartz pendant will bring you comfort and tenderness, while a silver and peridot ring will boost your intuition and your self-confidence.

A pair of turquoise earrings will help you find peace and serenity. Jasper bracelets, for their part, will restore harmony and anchoring in the present moment.

Obsidian or black tourmaline jewelry will protect you against negative energies, while a rock crystal pendant will promote purification and clarity in all areas of your life.

In short, you will have understood, the natural stones that make up our rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings are as varied as they are beautiful and beneficial. You can seek out their virtues to treat many ailments, whether physical, psychological or energetic.

Natural stone jewelry: one for each chakra!

Semi-precious lithotherapy stones are particularly used for their effect on the chakras . Gems indeed have a direct vibratory action on one or more of our energy centers. Their vibration stimulates their corresponding chakra, returning it to its natural state of harmony.

Stimulated, purified and rebalanced, the chakra “functions” optimally. Energy circulates harmoniously there, which promotes vitality and well-being in the different areas of the body and mind corresponding to the chakra on which we work.

Thus, a garnet ring or a black obsidian bracelet will act on the root chakra to strengthen anchoring and inner security.

A piece of carnelian or sunstone jewelry will have a positive effect on the sacral chakra , the center of sexuality and creativity.

A citrine or tiger's eye pendant will instill self-confidence and promote constructive action by stimulating the solar plexus chakra .

The heart chakra will find excellent allies in aventurine, rhodonite or even rhodochrosite. Mounted as a necklace or ring, they will promote emotional healing, harmony in relationships and self-love by acting on this energy center.

For the throat chakra , go for an aquamarine or amazonite jewel. These semi-precious stones will allow energy to flow easily through this chakra, which will facilitate communication and self-expression.

Lapis lazuli or rainbow obsidian jewelry will support the third eye chakra , awakening your extrasensory perceptions and intuition.

Finally, a moonstone or amethyst bracelet will be ideal for opening the crown chakra or connecting you to higher guidance.

Browse our large collection of high-quality natural stone jewelry , and find the jewelry made for you...

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